Enjoy The Work Blog

Humans Are Messy “Can’t we just leave our emotions at home?” A frustrated CEO asked me this question today. He was navigating

5 Things They Won’t Tell You About Fundraising Raising startup capital requires an enormous amount of energy. While most entrepreneurs believe their

“There Is No Sense Of Urgency…” I hear that from CEOs on occasion. This is a message to them (sent with love).

10 Commandments For Good Hiring Hiring well is not magic. It is not luck. Far too many lazy entrepreneurs claim that no

The Truth About Competition “We have no competition…” When I hear this phrase, I typically have the same thought… the entrepreneur is

Party Time Start-ups suck at celebrating. I’m not kidding. I know the common perception is that start-ups, unlike their large company counterparts,

The Gladiator Entrepreneur Shut yourself down, or your body will do it for you. Applaud the gladiator entrepreneur! She travels across 10

When Storytelling Goes Too Far… CEOs need to be (at a minimum) competent storytellers. Great oratory is a plus but not a

Doing What You Love Is Dangerous… Every founder I know has a particular part of the business they love. Not surprisingly, that’s