Enjoy The Work Blog

An Opportunity Too Good to Pass Up I grew up playing soccer. It was an everywhere activity; I loved it — soccer

Return vs. Remote There are party lines being drawn. Each side is fiercely self-righteous. Their arguments are persuasive and well-considered. The debate

We’re So Bad At This We’re good at setting goals. Reading reports. Providing updates. Solving problems. We’re terribly efficient in Covid times.

Good vs. Bad Board Members And How to Vet Them Appropriately A productive board of directors is a beautiful thing. It’s an

An Optimal Response I was asked by a founder this week, looking for support, “Any chance you guys have guidance to companies

Product Vision, Strategy, and Management Are Not the Same I keep seeing the same mistake. A founder with a worthy idea brings

Startups — Please Overreact There is no correct reaction. You only can under react or overreact. And you won’t know which path you’ve chosen

Founders often have good sales instincts. They can read the room. They can tell a solid story. It’s not always polished or entertaining, but authenticity and passion more than compensate. It works great for one-on-one interactions. Need to convince one person? Recruit one candidate? Court one investor? Most founders are up to the task. But what happens when a deal is not one-on-one? What if it’s one to many? What if it is highly complex with lines of authority, budget calendars, unclear politics, a procurement department, an RFP process, technology diligence, and/or a legal review? What if multiple people have to sign off to win the deal?

Hidden Costs Have you ever sat in a meeting and wondered halfway through what the hell people were talking about? Or have